The Latest Tummy Tuck and Skin Tightening Treatments

I hate my Tummy! Is a Tummy Tuck my Only Option?

Tummy Tuck and Skin Tightening Treatments it FInger and AssociatesProblems with Tummies occur from pregnancies, being overweight (and losing weight), sun damage, and age.

Pregnancies stretch the skin as well as separate the rectus muscles (the six-pack muscles), causing a protuberant abdomen and/or wrinkled skin. Stretched skin can hang over the lower abdomen. If there is excess weight gain during the pregnancy the sagging will be worse.

Tummy Tuck and Skin Tightening Treatment offered at finger and associates

What Treatments Can Get Rid of Your Tummy?

Treatments can include liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), mini-tummy tuck, reverse tummy tuck, and minimal-surgical treatments are liposuction with skin tightening Renuvion, or Renuvion alone.

Dr. Finger will discuss which treatment options are best for you, depending on your body. Fatty abdomens must be treated according to the amount of excess fat, loose skin, and if the problem extends around into the back area. Problems and treatments must be treated according to each individual’s problems.

Liposuction only removes fat with minimal skin tightening. Liposuction can be used virtually anywhere from the ankles to the chin. However, the skin may need to be tightened as well.

The Traditional Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks remove excess fat and skin and tighten the rectus muscles as well and are usually accompanied by liposuction of abdomen, sides, and back. When there is sagging and fat extend around the body, Dr. Finger may offer a procedure called the “belt” or “circumferential lipectomy.”  This treatment extends around the patient and tightens the abdomen as well as the outer thighs and buttocks. The results are usually dramatic.

Tummy tucks leave scars across the lower abdomen, usually covered with a bathing suit, and a scar around the umbilicus (belly-button). There should never be “stitch marks.” 

Six weeks after an no-drain tummy tuck with rectus muscle repair- Tummy Tuck and Skin tightening treatments at Finger and Associates

The latest tummy tuck technique eliminates the need for drains. This technique requires special suturing called Progressive Tension Sutures. The recovery time is much less as is the discomfort. 

Other Tummy Tuck Procedures 

A reverse tummy tuck is for a patient with loose skin and wrinkles only in the upper abdomen. During the procedure, Dr. Finger places the scar in the creases under the breasts. He then pulls the skin upwards and removes any excess, tightening the skin. 

Basically, tummy tuck options require elevation of the skin to be removed, performing whatever needs to be done while the skin is elevated and then excising the extra tissue.

Before and After Renuvion Skin Tightening Treatment offered at Finger and AssociatesWhat can the Renuvion Treatment do for my Tummy? 

The latest minimal surgical technique for a loose abdomen is the Renuvion. This involves inserting a probe under the skin using either local or general anesthesia and tightening the skin with heat from a combination of radiofrequency and Helium. This causes instant shrinkage of the fibers that connect the skin to the underlying muscles, which both shrinks and elevates the skin. Dr. Finger also uses the Renuvion treatment to tighten the skin on the back, arms, neck, breasts, and thighs. 

Book your consult with Finger and Associates to learn more about your treatment options. Dr. Finger offers his expertise in Savannah, Georgia, and Bluffton, SC.

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