Choose Pixel8-RF Micro-Needling For Beautiful Skin

 Experience the Skin Benefits of the Pixel8-RF Micro-Needling System 

Combining Microneedling with Radiofrequency for tighter and brighter skin

The PiXel8- RF Micro-Needling System has the advantage of delivering long-lasting skin rejuvenation without downtime or pain.  The treatment is suitable for most skin types and can treat active acne as well as reduce acne scars. Radiofrequency tightens the skin, while micro-needling helps to stimulate collagen. 

Using a handheld wand, our esthetician Anna and our Nurse Dallas deliver the RF energy to target deeper layers of the skin without causing damage to the outer layers. The micro-needles deliver the RF energy into the deeper layers of the skin without damaging the outer layers. Slight redness for 6-8 hours is to be expected and patients can wear makeup the next day or sooner. The micro-holes caused by the micro-needles close within 6-8 hours after the procedure, leaving little evidence of ever having the treatment.

Pixel8 Microneedling RF
Before and After Microneedling RF with the Pixel8

There is however an inflammatory response immediately following the treatment. This localized inflammatory response caused by the micro-damage can last from 1 to 6 hours following the procedure. 

Micro-Needling Meets Radiofrequency For Skin Tightening 

The micro-injuries caused by the micro-needles and RF energy stimulate fibroblasts and induce the production of new elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the skin tightening and plumping effect. The heat produced by radiofrequency also generates a healing response that triggers collagen production and remodeling, allowing your skin to stick closer to the underlying tissue and muscles. Your skin will continue producing new collagen and elastin anywhere from a few months up to 8 months following the procedure.

What Skin Concerns Can We Address With The PiXel8-RF Micro-Needling System? 

✅ Fine lines and wrinkles

✅Hyperpigmentation (sun spots)

✅ Active Acne 

✅ Acne Scars / Scars 

✅ Skin Laxity (loose skin)

✅ Age Spots 

Pore Size 

✅ Striae (stretch-marks)

 The Face, Neck, and Body can be treated using a series of Pixel8-RF Micro-Needling treatments at our Med-Spa in Savannah, Georgia. 3-6 treatments 4-6 weeks apart are recommended to achieve the best results. Maintenance treatments can be performed once to twice per year, depending on patient goals. The Pixel8-RF can be performed on patients with active acne breakouts which is not recommended for micro-needling without radiofrequency. 

PiXel8-RF Micro-Needling-Skin Rejuvenation Meets Radiofrequency For Skin Tightening-Finger and Associates in Savannah Georgia

Does this procedure hurt? 

No. Combining topical numbing and the built-in cooling technology of the Pixel8-RF system, assures maximum patient comfort. Our experienced team at Finger and Associates is highly trained to deliver Top Results for all Med-Spa procedures offered. Most patients report little or no discomfort during the Pixel8-RF Micro-Needling procedure. After your treatment, you may experience some tenderness and redness similar to a mild sunburn for 6-8 hours. 

What Results Can Patients Expect From PiXel8- RF Micro-Needling Treatments?

Visible Improvement in skin quality can be achieved in as little as 1-3 treatments and best results are seen after 3-6 treatments in most patients. Treatment protocols vary from patient to patient and depend on the age, skin condition, and treatment goals of the patient. 

The Pixel8-RF Micro-needling system can produce results that are unmatched when compared to similar systems. Because the device uses bi-polar, RF energy alongside tiny micro-needles, it can deliver the heat into the deeper layers of the skin without damaging the outer layers. 

Why we chose the PiXel8-RF Micro-Needling device over other RF devices!

The Pixel8-RF system can treat a variety of skin concerns and various areas of the body. The treatment is also ideal for most skin types. Patients with darker skin can also benefit from this treatment. Because of its unique design and cooling technology this Next-Gen Radiofrequency-Micro-Needling Device does not cause the discomfort of previous RF systems. Being able to treat younger patients suffering from acne is another plus. We can also minimize striae (stretch marks) with the Pixel8-RF device, though larger areas may take several treatments to achieve optimal results. 

Skin Laxity (loose skin) in the thigh area requires a consultation with our experienced board-certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. E. Ronald Finger. If you are interested in treating your legs for skin tightening, ask Dr. Finger if this treatment is right for you. 

Pixel8-RF Micro-Needling treatments for tighter, smoother skin

* Image Courtesy of Rohrer Aesthetics

We decided to offer PiXel8-RF at Finger and Associates because it is better suited for a variety of skin types and produces superior results. After a single treatment, most patients notice that the area treated is smoother and softer. The amount of RF energy delivered can be adjusted and the depth of the micro-needles can be changed from .5mm up to 3.5mm.  This makes it possible to provide a highly targeted treatment for specific skin conditions with one device. The system is produced by Rohrer Aesthetics, a reputable and well-known company founded by Mark Rohrer in the year 2000.

PiXel8-RF Micro-Needling treatments are now available at our location in Savannah, Georgia. Another First for Finger & Associates Plastic Surgery Center. 

Pixel8-RF Micro-Needling is ideal for darker skin tones. This RF system is produced by Rohrer Aesthetics, a reputable and well-known company founded by Mark Rohrer in the year 2000.
The Pixel8-RF Micro-Needling system is ideal for darker skin tones.

If you’re looking for a nonsurgical treatment that can reverse skin damage and improve overall skin quality without the recovery of previous treatments, we recommend you give this treatment a try. treatment cost is based on the area treated.  Request your appointment online, or contact us during business hours to learn more. 

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