What is the difference in injecting fillers in a men and women?

 The first thing to consider when injecting fillers is that most men don’t want to look feminine and women would not appreciate appearing masculine, but there are some similarities. A prime example is that no one likes big depressions or circles under their eyes. They make one look tired and aged.

Another area is the chin and jaw line, but there is a difference as well as a similarity here as well. The deficiency and loss of fat, skin thickness, and some bone causes the dreaded jowl. The non-surgical treatment is to inject fillers or fat onto the pre-jowl sulcus (the depression between the jowl and the chin) and also behind the jowl toward the ear along and below the jaw. To reduce the appearance of the jowl is the similarity.

The difference is the amount of filler injected. Men want a heavier, masculine jaw and chin and this requires more attention and volume to the lower face. A strong jaw and chin is masculine. Still women need injecting in that area as well, but just not as much volume.

While both males and females will need volumizing of the upper face, the male does not usually want the high, full cheekbones that females prefer. Again, it’s matter of the volume difference, and this is in the artistry of the injector.

Another contrast is the upper lip. Volumizing the upper lip for a male is usually avoided unless specifically requested. However, it is one of the most common areas for injecting females.

Neurotoxins such as Botox or Dysport require a larger dose for the male patient, as their face is larger as are the muscles you are trying to affect.

Finally, since men have a larger blood supply near the skin, micro cannulas should be used when possible to reduce any post injection bruising and swelling. The doctor should also have a “less is more” when injecting fillers in the male patient, as over-correction is usually not appreciated. Men do not do their homework like females, so the doctor must be quite clear as to the expected result.

E. Ronald Finger, MD, FACS