Renuvion Radiofrequency for Skin Tightening

Renuvion (Formerly J-Plasma) 

Renuvion uses Radiofrequency to tighten Skin without surgery. Image shows a 3 D Render of the Renuvion Plasma Pen penetrating the deeper layers of the skin without causing damage to outer layers.

Plastic surgeons have had access to lasers and RF (radiofrequency) devices to tighten loose skin for years. Fraxel lasers, particularly the CO2, are effective at tightening the skin of the face and neck. There is recovery time needed post-operatively for the more aggressive treatments. These are skin resurfacing devices and are primarily for skin texture, and some do tighten skin.

Radiofrequency devices can contract (shrink) tissue and elevate the lower face and neck, arms, abdomen, thighs, back and even elevate breasts.

Why choose  Renuvion for skin tightening? 

The Renuvion combines Radiofrequency with Helium, therefore, enabling Dr. Finger to use more precision than with other Plasma Pens.  To explain Plasma, think of the four forms of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. The plasma is a new concept to many people. An analogy would be a bolt of lightning.

The Renuvion Plasma Pen ionizes the Helium creating instant, very short-termed heat–lots of heat, up to 85 degrees C, which is considerably more than any other device. Other RF devices are bulk heaters, in which the heat is limited to keep from burning the skin. This limits the amount of skin shrinkage that can be achieved. The time required to achieve our shrinkage goals with the Renuvion is less than a second because of the higher temperature, and then the helium has an instant cooling effect after the treatment is done.


Plasma Heat Flash and the Renuvion

Renuvion Skin Tigheting Radiofrequency Devices offered for Skin rejuvenation in Savannah Georgia at Finger and Associates by Dr. Finger


Another very important aspect of the Renuvion is that the “plasma heat flash” is attracted only to the fibrous network to tighten and shrink. These are the tiny bands that connect the skin to the underlying tissue, such as muscle. This fibrous band network gets weaker and the fibers get longer with age causing the skin to sag. The result of treating with the Renuvion is elevation and tightening of the skin. Importantly, the heat is so instant and specifically directed to these fibrous bands that the overlying skin is tightened and elevated, but not overheated or burned.

My interest in this product began about a year ago in an effort to treat and tighten the thighs and arms without surgery or incisions. 

Renuvion Skin Tigheting Radiofrequency Devices offered for Skin rejuvenation in Savannah Georgia at Finger and Associates by Dr. Finger
Photo Credit “Apyx Medical Renuvion Cosmetic Technology”

Dr. Finger stays on the cutting edge of technology and now offers the Renuvion Plasma Pen in Savannah and Bluffton, SC to treat the neck, arms, abs, and other areas of the body that show visible signs of skin laxity (loose skin). 

Another point to mention is that 25-35% of the tightening that occurs with the Renuvion is immediate. The remaining tightening occurs within 3-6 months as the collagen production increases and elastin fibers are restored. 

The Renuvion requires local or general anesthesia according to the size of the areas or number of areas to be treated at Finger and Associates. A pressure garment must be worn post-operatively for the best results.

Bottom Line:

  • Renuvion uses Helium in combination with Radiofrequency to achieve much higher temperatures to tighten the underlying tissue. 
  • Higher temperatures tighten and elevate skin faster and more effectively with less risk of burns.
  • Much of the tightening occurs immediately.
  • Renuvion is used for Neck, arms, breasts, abdomen, thighs, and back.
  • Renuvion is a minimal invasive procedure performed under local or general anesthesia.

If you are interested in this procedure with Dr. E. Ronald Finger Book Your Free Consultation today.

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Photo Credit “Apyx Medical Renuvion Cosmetic Technology”