Facial Fillers

Facial fillers are for fine wrinkles and to re-volumize the lost fat, muscle and bone in the face. This loss results in facial sagging due to loss of support making one look older.

Juvederm comes as plain Juvederm, Ultra and Ultra Plus. When using Juvederm products at Savannah Plastic Surgery, we typically use Juvederm Ultra Plus (UP). It lasts about a year, which is longer than the other Juvederm products until this newest addition, Juvederm Voluma.

Now the newest Juvederm has arrived as of today, 11/5/13. This is Juvederm Voluma. It is a very long lasting product 60% of which lasts longer than 2 years. It is mainly indicated for the cheeks and midface. We all lose our beautiful cheeks as we age, and Juvederm Voluma is a wonderful product with a long lasting affect to restore this loss.

Juvederm Voluma can be used with other products such as Botox, Dysport, Restylane (particularly around the eyes), Sculptra and even fat.

Studies in our office will begin immediately, and I look for great results with this addition of longer lasting Juvederm Voluma.