(912) 354-4411
410 Mall Blvd. Suite E
Savannah, GA 31406
350 Fording Island Road
Bluffton, SC 29910
Our Business Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
What you need to know about the Brazilian Butt Lift
A Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure that uses the patient’s own fat (via liposuction) to create a fuller, rounder buttocks. The procedure requires a fat transfer to the buttocks after the liposuction is completed. The Brazilian Butt Lift does not only add volume and roundness to a flat or small butt, but it also helps enhance the entire body and allows for a more balanced body profile. If you are looking for a fuller, curvier butt, a Brazilian Butt Lift may be a good option. One requirement is that the patient has to have enough fat to transfer to the buttocks.
If you are under normal weight or thin and athletic with low body fat, this procedure is not for you. We can still help you with a medically safe injectable called Sculptra. Sculptra has long been used for facial rejuvenation and within recent years Sculptra has become extremely popular in the USA. If you are thin, ask Dr. Finger about the Sculptra Butt Lift Option. Dr. Finger does not offer Buttocks implants. Fat injections can achieve a more natural result, with a lower risk of infection, than implants and fat can also be used to contour the areas around the buttocks. Buttocks Implants often appear and feel unnatural, and sometimes require replacement. With the “Aging Process” comes less elasticity of the skin, which can cause skin laxity. The patient might face a skin tuck down the line if it is ever decided to remove the buttocks implants. Much like breast implants, buttocks implants require maintenance, unlike the fat transfer method. To view more pictures of real patients that had the Brazilian Butt Lift ask to see photos in the office.
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