Tickle Lipo

As a plastic surgeon and in private practice since 1973, I began performing liposuction in 1982. The cannulas were about 1 ½ cm in diameter. Since then and much more sophisticated equipment, I have had the opportunity to use ultrasonic systems as well as PAL. I reverted back to traditional liposuction several years ago. I stopped using heat source liposuction as they gave me no benefits, only a new set of possible complications.

About a year ago I began looking into the Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture system (NIL) also called Tickle Liposuction. I’ve been using the NIL system for 7 months and am “tickled“ with my purchase. Local anesthetic procedures are very easily performed with the system and it is faster with less physician fatigue. The cannulas simply have to be guided and the cannula does the work for you. Recovery seems to be faster and more comfortable for the patients as well. There are multiple cannulas available designed for faster liposuction in larger areas to cannulas for refinement and even for liposuction specifically designed for less trauma to the cells to be used in fat grafting.

One of the reasons that I bought the NIL equipment was for the procurement of adipose derived regenerative cells. My patients that I have grafted fat into have had an unusual amount of fat graft “take,” although I have no scientific series to base it upon.

The quality of the equipment is the highest that I have found, and the personal service has been unsurpassed. All in all, I am elated to be using the NIL “Tickle” system as are my patients.

E. Ronald Finger, MD, FACS