At Savannah Hair Restoration, E. Ronald Finger, MD was the first to purchase NeoGraft technology for hair transplantation in Georgia. We now have the best hair specialists we have ever had or seen. Our results are unsurpassed.
Our equipment from the special operating table to the NeoGraft equipment is of the highest quality.
My hair specialists have over 12 years experience as a team. Teams are as important in hair transplants as in sports. They are coordinated which saves time. Less time means less time between taking the grafts and inserting them in the recipient sites, which translates into better “takes” for the grafts and better hair growth.
We use a special solution for the grafts called Hypothermasol, proven to increase graft “take.”
Our entire goal is to have the highest graft “take” and create the most natural hair line and growth. This requires single hair grafts for the hairline, and the direction of the hair growth must be forward and accurate.
We pay attention to the finest of details to give you the best and most natural appearance.
You will be given a folder with detailed written pre and post operative instructions.
Our prices are very competitive. Follow-up visits are complimentary.
We offer Care Credit financing.
Savannah is an excellent and desirable destination for out of town patients.
We welcome your questions and inquiries. To evaluate your hair loss for NeoGraft, please send photos to: