Latest Fillers and Beauty Tips

What are the latest Fillers Trending in Aesthetics? 

The latest fillers include Restylane Lyft, Defyne, and Refyne. by Galderma and Volbella by the makers of Juvederm (Allergan). Fillers can be ideal for the young and the not so young, dependingh on the need, patient preferences and Treatment Goals.

So what happens as we age and should we wait to have fillers and injectables later in life or should we start earlier.  Well, the answer might come as a surprise. According to trending “Aesthetic Publications,, ” there is a  push  to commit to preventive injectables as early as in your 20’s.  You may read about Baby Botox or Micro-Injectables. Which are ulitmately smaller dosages. To find out more about 2018-2019 Trends read on.


As we age, we lose volume in our faces. Our faces literally deflate from loss of both fat and even bone. This accounts for the volume loss under the lower lids, leading to the dreaded “circles,” loss of volume in the mid-cheek areas, the smile lines, and virtually everywhere, including the bone under the upper lip (the maxilla), the jaw (the mandible), and orbit of the eye where volume loss of both fat and bone gives the sunken look with aging.  Re-volumizing reverses these deficient areas resulting in a more youthful appearance.  Both men and women can benefit from a variety of Fillers.

Dermal Fillers and Injectables

 Fillers are products that can be injected into certain areas of the face to re-inflate deficient areas that have lost volume. Fillers can be performed during office visits in less than an hour on average. There is no downtime and little to no bruising is experienced. This is especially true when the Doctor is using a cannula.

Some of the most popular Fillers among plastic surgeons are made with hyaluronic acid. These are more natural to the body and are reversible with an injection of the enzyme hyaluronidase if necessary. They can last from 6 months to a  year and are priced accordingly.  There are some longer lasting fillers; however, these should be used with caution. If the patient doesn’t like the result, it cannot be as easily reversed. Often an experienced injector will recommend more than one kind of filler, as each type may be better in certain areas of the face. We call this a “liquid facelift cocktail” and can be very effective because it utilizes the best characteristics of each product.

The Restylane family of Fillers include Restylane L, Resylane Silk, Resylane Lyft, Refyne, and Defyne. A non-HA Filler that is long lasting and made by Gladerma is called Sculptra. A knowledgeable injector will know when to use one rather than another. Restylane Lyft is used for the midface and is very easy to inject. It is also used to fill in the hollows under the lower lids; however, keep in mind that the injector must be extremely experienced and skilled to use Restylane Lyft in that area of the face as the skin is very thin and lumps of the product could be noticeable if not injected properly. Restylane Refyne is used for superficial wrinkles, such as the wrinkles around the lips and under the lower eyelids. Restylane Defyne is great as a deep filler over bony areas and mid-cheek area.

The Juvederm family of Fillers includes Juvederm UP, Volbella for fine lines such as around the mouth, Vollure for deeper injections, and Voluma, which lasts about two years. Vollure can be used just about anywhere, and it lasts about 1 1/2 years. Like the Restylane’s, the injector will choose the appropriate product for the areas of the different areas of the face and how long the patient wants it to last, product cost being a factor.

Sculptra by Galderma, what kind of Filler is this? Qh

Sculptra, another filler, is unique in that it lasts longer as it stimulates the patient’s collagen which re-volumizes the face, and it usually lasts about two years. It is made of poly-L-lactic acid and is not reversible. Since it requires stimulation of collagen, the final result is not immediate. Sculptra is a powder that is mixed with water. When it is injected the water into the mixture allows one to see how it will look when the collagen is activated, usually taking about a month or so. It can be used most anywhere except the upper lip and eyelid areas. It is particularly good for re-inflating the areas in the lateral cheeks, where there is no bony support. Sculptra is also being used in the buttocks to create a more shapely, fuller derriere. It lasts from  2 to 5 years in the buttocks but requires a minimum of 6-10 vials which is close to the price of Fat Transfer. It is however ideal for those that do not have enough fat to transfer and those that do not want to undergo surgery. Sculptra is unique and requires 2 treatments within  4-6 weeks apart in order to receive maximum results. This goes for the face and body. If you come in to have 2 vials injected, you have to commit to coming back within 4-6 weeks to get re-injected with the same amount again. Sculptra is also used to diminish cellulite in the buttocks area.

For fuller lips try Juvederm Ultra Plus or Juvederm Vollure.  A good injector will allow the patient to choose the amount of product injected during the procedure (within reason of course). The patient is given a mirror after each small increment of the product is injected to determine when their goals have been achieved.  Of course, swelling sets in during injections and this needs to discuss with the patient, because if not enough product is injected then the volume will subside more quickly and after the swelling subsides the patient might require a touch-up. Some Plastic Surgeons use a micro-cannula for the injections of Fillers for the lips. This is done to minimize swelling and bruising and to avoid lumps and asymmetry. When skillfully injected, lips should not look like Duck lips, but fuller yet natural. 

Fuller Lips with the help of fillers can be beautiful and attractive.
Fuller Lips with the help of fillers can be beautiful and attractive.

Fillers are a mainstay of plastic surgeons and their patients by providing a safe non-surgical procedure to make patients look as young as they feel.  Just as with anything else, the injector’s skill and experience are most important.



Latest hot topics in Beauty Treatments Latest Fillers and nonsurgical treatments

The combination of Fillers, Injectables and even a Thread Lift will make all the difference in the aging face. Contact us today if you are interested in turning back the clock of time without undergoing Plastic Surgery. Note, sometimes Facial plastic surgery is necessary to restore the shape and youthful look patients desire, but injectables and Fillers can be used in conjunction with Plastic Surgery. 

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